I’m not happy unless I’m working…   Wow, whoever would have thought I would write that!  As a celebrant of life and someone who is always encouraging her clients to slow down and enjoy life more, I find when my clients are out of town or I have a day off, I am restless these days.  I am so excited by my sessions with my clients – talking about liberation, self-loving, forgiveness, peace, ownership of our lives, really finally getting past the traumas, healing ourselves of those devastating past hurts and the beliefs that have kept them alive.  All of this is sweet rich food to me!  Yes, that’s it: When I’m not working, I am a bit hungry! 😀
So let’s talk about how to love ourselves during the down times – when you’re looking for work, or looking for love.  The thing that keeps us up at night isn’t the circumstance; it’s our belief ABOUT the circumstance.  When looking for love what trashes us is the belief that we won’t have it or the belief that there’s something wrong with us.  Actually it’s those beliefs that are blocking our beloveds from coming in.  Love is everywhere!!!!  If you need a reminder, go to the zoo.  Not only will you see animals hanging out and loving and grooming each other, workers caretaking the animals, families smiling and supporting each other, nature in action, etc., you will see yourself, hopefully, lighting up and lightening up.  It’s hard to be sad at the zoo!  And this is part of my prescription for healing: focus outward!
The other reason you feel better there is that you are off the computer and out of the house.  Social media and all the other reasons we are online so much are ruining our health — and our relationships.  Did you know that rickets has returned as a health issue?  Rickets forms in children from a deficiency in vitamin D.  This can happen when they haven’t had enough sun, or are malnourished.  Many years ago on a camping trip to an island off the coast of California, I was talking to the pilot on the boat taking us to the island who was considering starting a foundation called “No child left inside!”  (There are several coalitions with this name now.  It’s an important cause to get behind).  I laughed at the name and said I would happily support him in that
So, let’s start with us.  Would you be willing to spend some time outside today?  Go do an activity in a park? Smile at people, practice connecting.  It’s really the answer to finding love, finding work, getting up when you’re down … everything!   Going to talk to people at the place you want to work is soooooooo much better than filling out a resume and sending it online.  I know that’s what they ask, but connect first!  And tell people what you are looking for – again be it a job or a beloved.  It’s well known that the children of the wealthy in our society do well because their parents hook them up with jobs and mates via friendships or club memberships.  If you don’t have that advantage, make your own friends and form your own clubs.  Only 1 out of 5 people meet their mate online.  So that means that 4 out of 5 don’t!  What are you interested in? If you are not currently in a relationship, enjoy it!  Enjoy meeting people, try being inquisitive about others, explore your weirdest curiosity.  Then write me and tell me what you’ve discovered!

Happy growing!
